Sunday 5 June 2011

A Walk On The Dark Side 2: A sacrifice of pain.

I'm not adverse to working aggressive magic when it is called for, I would like to relay something I've just finished working on and hopefully it will give you folks a good idea of what aggressive magic looks like.

I was approached by a family friend who has a 16 year old son, hes a good kid but sadly as naive as they come. Hes recently started a homosexual relationship with a man a lot older than himself, this man is a complete waster, he is dole scum, he sells him drugs, cheats on him and treats him like dirt. Sadly the boy is not very worldly and suffers from very low self confidence, interpreting his sleazy interest in him for love.

His mother is very worried about him, she doesn't want to drive him away to be made homeless, her biggest fear is that he will contract AIDS from this man who spends his time doing disgusting things in gay bath houses, on pornographic Internet sites and in public toilets.

She asked me to split them up.

My first inclination was to do a hot foot working, to send this guy packing, however I decided against this as it may well send him packing but there is a good chance it would send him packing with the lad in tow.

(The work in progress)

So I decided to work a good old fashion break up trick. This trick is a more aggressive version of a separation trick, however unlike the separation trick the split isn't amicable and ensures the targets are filled with an absolute disgust with one another that ensures they will never get back together.

Here is what I did.

1 large 7 day black candle.
1 bottle of break up oil.
2 squares of parchment paper torn so no edge has been cut by steel.
1 bottle of Bats Blood.
1 scotch bonnet pepper.
A picture of St Sebastian
2 halves of a lemon.
A bowl
A small amount of compelling powder.
13 pins.
A length of black ribbon.

 (a beautiful image of St Sebastian)

The working is simplicity in itself. starting on a Saturday (curses levelled on a Saturday tend to stick.), I wrote both their names back to back on a piece of parchment paper, I then tore the paper in 2 separating their names. I then placed the two strips in an X, thereby crossing up their relationship.

I then took my candle and carved both their names into it, with word BREAK UP in between them either side. I then dressed it in break up oil pulling from the middle outwards to imitate them separating.
break up oil is a nasty little concoction, it contains the hair of a black dog and black cat (so the targets hate one another like cat and dog), hellish smelling sulphur, inflammatory spices such as pepper corns and chili peppers among other fantastical things.

I then placed the candle in the bowl, and from my left hand blew compelling powder onto the candle, blowing life into the working and compelling the couple to split.

I then lit the candle, knelt before the image of St Sebastian (patron saint of homosexual men) and placed the scotch bonnet pepper in my mouth. Scotch bonnets are one of the hottest peppers you can buy, the pain was unbearable, I did not flinch however and simply took the pain as the tears rolled down my cheeks. It was important to take the pain in good grace so the good Saint would have pity on me and fulfill my request.

I then prostrated myself before St Sebastian and prayed:

Good Saint and Martyr,
I come and suffer before you,
Take pity on me,
For I am a lowly sinner,
Pity the pain in my body,
Pity the pain in my heart,
Pity my weakness and wretchedness,
I beg you with fire in my mouth and tears on my cheeks,
Break up (N) and (N),
Ensure they never see one another again,
This I pray in the name of my sweet Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I repeated this over and over until I physically could bear no more.

I then apologised for not suffering more and left the candle in the room alone to burn out completely and the scotch bonnet pepper to dry out in a secret place were no-one could see or touch it.
 (Spiritual seal of working)

I pulverised the pepper and mixed it with some compelling powder, I spread this across the doorstep of the man, to ensure both him and the lad would walk through it.

I removed the name papers and pushed one each into each half of the lemon to cause them both to feel no sweetness in their company together, only bitterness.

On a piece of parchment paper i copied out the above symbol in bats blood. I placed it in between the 2 halves of lemon, then I bound the lemon together using the ribbon and the 13 pins.

I then took it to the nearest cemetery and hung it from a tree and left it to rot, walking away and not looking back.

So far the working has shown signs of success. It is still early days however.

Not a particularly nice working but effective, sometime you have to be cruel to be kind.

Peace xx


  1. Hi Rose of Jericho,

    Would St Sebastian be the same saint I use even though the intended breakup is between my man and the woman he left me for. The spell you cast is between two men.


    1. Hello Sahykikone,

      Im sorry to hear about your partner leaving. I chose to apeal to St Sebastian for a number of reasons in this case, him being an unofficial patron of homosexual men was only one. There a number of Saints and spirits you could apeal to for your ex-partner to split up with this woman, depending on your personal circumstances.

      Unfortunately St Sebastian can be a bit of a tricky saint to apeal to, despite some softer modern stereotypes attached to him by modern practitioners Ive found he is still a martyred soldier and therefore can be quite hard in nature, so if you do apeal to him be expected to put in some effort, he likes to see devotees work hard in their apeals. It certainly cant hurt to ask him, he seems to be impressed by a willingness to sacrifice and suffer, so the more elaborate and difficult you make your petition the better.

      If your ex partner was unfaithful to you with this woman The Santisima Muerte La Roja might be a good ally, she hates infidelity and will happily break up a relationship for a person who has been cheated on. She is difficult to apeal to but well worth the effort as she is immensly powerful and a wonderful ally.

      If you and your partner split up and he then got with this woman, then you could try certain rituals involving St Anthony and St Martha to return him to you (if thats what you want.).

      Drop me an email if you like at

      Alll the Best :)

  2. Hello my name is Lauren Rita i'm from USA i want to testify of a great and powerful spell caster my husband left me and the kids for 2 weeks when i called him he didn't pick up when he came back home the 3rd week he told me he wanted a divorce i was so sad i cried all night he left again i was so lonely the next day i was searching for something online when i found a spell caster called Dr Ogbeifun who have helped so many people with their problems so i contacted him with my problems he told me it will take 24hrs and my husband will be back to me i did every thing he told me to do and the next day my husband came back kneeling and begging he canceled the divorce we are now happy together Dr Ogbeifun can help you too Email email: website or add him on whatsapp +2348102574680

  3. Thank you Dr. noble for reviving my life , for this last five years have been the most disruptive, I have faced so many challenges, loss of health, peace of mind, finances, families, bad relationships, business ruined because of my wicked friend who put a cause on me just to ruin my life . I thank you dr Noble for your spell which has cleared my life and also the death spell that you put on my wicked friend to silence him about a month ago and now my life is back together since his death , spiritually,financially, in health and every areas of my life I have grown deeper and wiser, it was my faith and luckily meeting the right helper call Dr peter popularly known as Dr. NOBLE I'm on the road to recovery and I feel I'm a much stronger person now ,my life is almost at his best . thanks allot doctor .
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